Thursday, August 14, 2014

This Chilly Air is Not Autumn... dern..

Fall means cliche fresh starts, pumpkins, lighting of candles, a weird renewed interest in baking and Fall means all the spiders are moving into our basement. Hope this lovely lady stays outside.
She is currently guarding our front door.

Don't Arrive Unannounced by Cozytailmom on deviantART

The black widow bites are rarely fatal despite what many think. They are also super non-aggresive. I once had one on my watering can and had been sprinkling the garden for at least ten minutes before I noticed that it was running for its life, to opposite sides of the can, to get away from me. I'm assuming it had been hiding out in the can while it was being stored in the garage. 

I'm comforted when I remember that my deep dark woods home* is surrounded by venomous creatures and an impenetrable thicket of thorny blackberry bushes. Not even a ghost can sneak up unannounced without snagging his sheet.. (you know.. his ghost sheet... woooOOOoooo).  I'm a little excited about October. Can you tell?

*A door-to-door salesman just stopped by and tried to sell me on solar panels for my house. fail