I didn't read the rules at first, you know... so I didn't post a givewawy...
But now I've got it together. Be creative and have fun. All I require is a cute little limerick about adorable bugs. It can be about any of the bugs from any of the posts.
I will judge the entries on Friday May 2nd. First and second place winners will get something Faerie Made and fantastic... albeit probably small.
Just add your limerick in the comments below the post of your choice. I'll find them all and judge fairly. Maybe I'll inlist a panel of judges. Good Luck!!
Example of a bad limerick written by me:
There once was a cute little snailio.
Who didn't have a very long tailio.
He kept it nice and slimy.
On the back of his hiney.
He'd do well to stay out of jailio.
photo by CtMom
Example of Faerie Made products I've awarded in the past.

I'm just hoping you're not encasing that poor snail in soap...
come enter my contests!
hey i love your fascination with critters - great photos! :)
No snails in my soap!! I promise! :>
Thanks guys! Come back! I've posted my giveaway!
I tried to write a limmerick but it isn't very good. Here it is:
There was a little lady bug named Joe,
He liked to move and squirm yet very slow.
He grew up and learned to fly,
He flew and flew, way up high.
Then he could see the people, way below.
I forgot that you wanted it to be about bugs..So here's a correct one
There once was a bug named Ronnie
Who was married to a bug named Bonnie
They both got so drunk
That they lived in a funk
And both of them went home with Connie
Oh no!!! I can't beleive you deleted your first limerick blaquebutterfly! The two liner! I loved it. It technically didn't follow the rules so it wouldn't have been a contender but it did give me a good laugh this morning!
There once was a dog named Winnie.
Sometimes he could be such a ninnie.
When he noticed that someone new was there,
He barked and jumped everywhere.
Next time we may get a mini!
Can you tell we just had company?
egreca (at) hotmail {dot} com
LoL...Well Im glad it gave you a good laugh for the day. It was actually my husband who blurted it out...lol
Oh, I like these. I'll give it a try too.
There once was a cozy caterpillar
Whose cocoon had become quite familiar
Then it sprouted some wings
And said "What are these things?"
Taking flight out of its concealer.
ihchicky! Congratulations! I need your address... to send you the prize.
blaquebutterfly, I need your address too if you are reading these replies.
Great job guys! Limericks are so fun.
Prizes ordered!
I'll ship them out as soon as they arrive.
Prizes arrived! Will ship tomorrow!
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