Wednesday, May 7, 2008

And the winners are....

Sorry for the delay in announcing the winner of the giveaway. I've been in the middle of finals and I am stressssssssssed!
But, I only have one final and a 25 page paper left to do now so I'm feeling a bit better.

The 1st place winner is BlaqueButterfly.
She'll be receiving some Fairie Made bath and body treats!

The second place winner is ihchicky. She will also receive a slighly smaller package of Fairie Made good stuff!

I also love EricaG's limerick but alas... it was not about bugs...

Anyhow, thanks for participating guys! I occationally hold contests on this blog and my personal blog (Cozytail's Procrastination Station) so check in from time to time.
I'll also start this contest sooner next year to give people more time to participate!


BlaqueButterfly said...

Ahhhh I was in your spot a mere year and a half ago. Hope you pass it all with flying colors. Thanks for holding your contest. And dont worry about your contest timing...I'm 95% of the time fashionably late

BlaqueButterfly said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the prize you sent. They smell wonderful. Thanks You so very much

Christina Acker said...

Oh great!!! Tina's stuff really is fantastic and it's all so good for your skin. I love how I can smell the goodness before I even open the mailbox. The lipbalm is really the bomb.